Thursday, May 23, 2013


    Thousands of years before Copernicus and Galileo, the yogis of ancient India wrote about the solar system.  They intuitively knew that the planets revolved around the sun.  The sages of the east are still more advanced than the empirical west because they recognize that the planets are great beings and not only celestial bodies. These great beings exert their influence on the living beings on earth.

     One such Great Being is Guruve, whose celestial form is the planet Jupiter.  Guruve is the teacher, the guru.  He is responsible for your spiritual progress.  He brings the human guru into your life.  He is also called Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Gods.  The teacher of devotional prayers.

      The guru / disciple relationship is a mystical one.  It is said that the Guru calls and the disciple responds.  Jesus in the first chapter of the Gospel of John gathered all of His twelve disciples to him seemingly in the course of one day.  Jesus just told them one by one  or two at a time "follow me"  and they followed.  Nathanael however was called by Phillip.  Phillip told Nathanael come and see, we have found him, Jesus of Nazareth!"  Nathanial wasn't convinced, he replied, "can anything good come out of Nazareth?"  Philip said to him, “Come and see.”

     Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael answered Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these.  Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

     This passage shows that it is the Guru who calls to the disciple to follow and the disciple is thrilled to do so because the disciple was searching for the Guru,   Sometimes a disciple is called to the Guru by another disciple as Nathanael was.  Jesus demonstrated that He knew Nathanael by having seen him while he was sitting under the fig tree.  Nathanael's reaction indicates that this was a miraculous seeing on Jesus's part.  When he was sitting under the fig tree or what he was doing there only he and Jesus know.

   Jesus promised Nathanael that he would see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.  The Guru gives heavenly vision by the opening of the mind's eye, the clearing of the blockages that prevent the Mother Power from ascending, and, the clearing of the negative energy that prevents the divine mind from descending into the disciple's subtle body.  The subtle body has ascending and descending energies.  The ascending energy starts at the base center of the spine which is connected to the fire at the core of the earth.  The descending energy comes down from the crown center which is connected to the center of the universe.

        In John chapter 3, verses 1-7 Jesus teaches a Pharisee that one must be born of water and the spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven.   Being born of water is the physical birth, being born of the spirit is the second spiritual birth- the energization of the subtle body. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit. In Luke 17:20-21 Jesus says again to other Pharisees that the Kingdom of God is within you. As Jesus has since ascended into heaven we have to get this blessing from a bona fide representative of Him. The Christian tradition of  "the laying on of  hands" is not just an empty ritual but a transmission of energy from Jesus and his original disciples who became the Apostles of His Church through an unbroken chain of a lineage of saints (those souls separated unto God) to the one who performs the laying on of  hands to the receiving individual who then becomes "born again."  

        In India  the term "twice born" is used to designate the brahmans, the cast of kings and priests. The sacred thread is given to the twice born.  The guru energizes the disciple's subtle body to give spiritual birth and entrance into the kingdom of heaven within the disciple's consciousness.  The lineage of the guru should be traceable to an Avatar- an incarnation of God, in an unbroken chain.

          I am aware of a few masters who have made themselves available to westerners that are qualified to perform the sacred duties of a bona fide representative of God whose lineage connects them to an Avatar or who are themselves incarnations of an aspect of the Divine.  I have been extremely fortunate to have the blessings of three such holy ones.  I have also been blessed by two who have left their physical bodies within the last century yet continue to serve aspiring humanity in their subtle bodies.  I have been greeted by them in their ashrams just as if they were still in their physical bodies.  I plan to release details of my astounding experiences upon the publication of my first book, The Golden Flute, of which this blog is a but a preview.

complete article published in e-book:

 Meditation Instruction available with purchase of THE GOLDEN FLUTE at Friends, Benefactors, and, Partners participation levels:

 Well-wishers may purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for only $ 11.92 securely via PAY PAL with the Buy Now button at the margin. Those that participate as Friends, Benefactors, and Partners receive personal meditation empowerment and instruction.

   Friends who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 49.90 are eligible to a 30 minute meditation session in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email and are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for one week.  

   Benefactors who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 108.00 are eligible to a 60 minute meditation session in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email, are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for three weeks, and, receive planetary remedies for the planets that are currently the major influence over their lives.  

   Partners who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 1,008.00 are eligible to twelve monthly 60 minute meditation sessions in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email, are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for nine weeks, and, receive planetary remedies for the planets that are currently the major influence over their lives. 


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