Monday, November 18, 2013


       "Who is God?" is a question which once answered is the beginning of Heaven's Dream. The Answer flies in the Highest Height, the Infinite Expansion of the Self of All.
      "Who am I?" is a question which once answered is the end of Nature's Dance.  The Answer lies in the Deepest Depth, the Immanent Essence of the Self of All.

    The Supreme is both Transcendent and Imminent. Transcendence is above and beyond everything. Imminence is within and the essence of everything.  The Transcendence of the Supreme is represented by Hanuman's Power to become the Biggest. The Imminence of the Supreme is represented by Hanuman's Power to become the Smallest. Similarly, one expands one's awareness in meditation, and, contracts one's awareness in concentration.

   Swami Prabhupada perfectly taught that one is Qualitatively the same as Krishna, but not Quantitatively the same as Krishna.  Therefore Krishna has a Personal Nature as a Supreme Individual, and, as one of the many parts of a Corporate Man comprised of all souls of which the Brahmans are His Head, Kshetras His Arms, Vaisyas His stomach, and Sudras His Legs.

   The New Testament states that a Christian is a member of the body of Christ, and the Christ dwells within the heart of the Christian. Therefore Christ has a Personal Nature as a Supreme Individual who "sits at the right hand of God," and, as one of the many parts of a Corporate Man comprised of all Christians, whose Head is the Ascended and Transcendent Christ and the believers His Body.

    The Supreme's Trancendence is more than the conglomerate of Souls as the Self of All. The Supreme is also the Cause and Dissolution of the same.  As the Beginning, the Supreme is the Birth-less One, and as the End, the Supreme is the Deathless One.

    The Supreme is both formless and takes form. The Supreme is Impersonal, the formless absolute, yet, the Supreme is not diminished by becoming two, male and female, the many, and, all of us. The Supreme remains Transcendent as the Super Soul to the Individual Soul. The same in Quality, but not Quantity.

  In Divine Mind, opposites co-exist. Siva Baba said, In Divine Mind, "Yes" and "No" exist at the same time. One is God, and not- God at the same time. "You are God to the extent that you know God." Sri Yogiraj

  "As long as the ego remains make the rascal a servant of God." Sri Ramakrishna. He who in one body both Rama and Krishna abode would not dare use the formula, "I AM THAT I AM." or OM TAT SAT. Sri Ramakrishna ever remained a devotee.

  Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, a Siddhi of the "Who am I?" practice had the "I AM" realization by being surrendered to Sri Arunachalashwara Shiva, the mountain of Fire and Gems.  The "I AM" awareness is grace given to devotees of Shiva. Arunachala means: ARU- "Aru" is Grace Light.  "NA" is the Earth element. "CHA" implies the mind.  "LA" implies wealth. Therefore this Holy Hill is named "Grace Light as Earth, Mind, and Gems."

  Intellectual acceptance of Truth is not the same as the conscious experience of Truth in meditation in one's Buddhi .  It's the height of ego to claim oneself as being God without at the minimum mastering Samadhi first. I have encountered those who adhere to the truth, that who one is, is the "I am that I am."  However, one should not lose sight that that is the name of Moses's God, not Moses.

   Jesus having mastered Samadhi and subduing the ego is qualified to state this truth. One should take the Christ's help by putting their attention upon the Inner Christ. Samadhi alternates between devotion to the One Self of All and the by Grace, the experience of the same.

  "Fire is His head, the sun and moon His eyes, space His ears, the Vedas His speech, the wind His breath, the universe His heart. From His feet the Earth has originated. Verily, He is the inner Self of all beings.

       ''The God Śiva is all and in all, one without a second, the Supreme Being and only Absolute Reality. He is Pati, our Lord, immanent and transcendent. To create, preserve, destroy, conceal and reveal are His five powers. Aum.
       "A mystical ascetic, one hand in jnāna mudrā, which inspires devotion to the satguru, sits radiating effulgent blessings. He has realized the Self God, the timeless, causeless, formless Absolute Reality symbolized by the Śivaliṅga enshrined within him.

       "Paraśiva is God Śiva’s Unmanifest Reality or Absolute Being, distinguished from His other two perfections, which are manifest and of the nature of form. Paraśiva is the fullness of everything, the absence of nothing." (Atharva Veda, Mund.U. 2.1.4)

     Both the Impersonalists and the devotees of a Personal God are correct, but not to the exclusion of the other.  Only rigid fundamentalists insist that their view is the only correct view.  First the seeker says, "God is not this nor that." Lastly he says, "Chinmaya"-Bliss has become all of this.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Open Letter and Love and Peace to my Siddhi Aspirant Well-Wishers, Friends, Benefactors, and Meditation Partners


            Since I began teaching meditation per my Guru’s command to teach two hours per day in exchange for His Secret Yoga, my work has grown from tweeting, authoring books, email correspondence with sincere aspirants, leading rituals and meditations to individuals and small groups, distributing food to homeless, receiving, repairing and giving bicycles to those who wish to reduce their reliance upon their automobiles, identifying areas where climate is changing and finding individuals willing to plant fruit tree seedlings, and, advocating political change.  I am very happy that many have been so receptive to the Ancient Path to Enlightenment.  I receive frequent emails from many of my friends, who have purchased THE GOLDEN FLUTE and have entered email correspondence with me sharing their remarkable spiritual experiences, freedom from physical and emotional pain, connecting with a higher consciousness with increased perception, clarity, hope and peace, and, receiving help from the simple meditation provided to connect with one's own highest consciousness.

             I wish to encourage you to continue in your meditation practice, to those who have begun, and to those who have not, to begin now.  Please write me with your experiences and difficulties, so that I may share your joys and burdens.

             Free Time is too precious to be squandered exclusively on material enjoyments or relaxation.  Use a little time exclusively for self discovery.  Once the foundation is laid, and, a little progress is attained, the time that it takes to watch a movie or television show may be used to uplift and enlighten, and, to connect you to the Supreme in the many opulent and blazing forms of the Gods and Goddesses.

               I have received emails from my friends describing Gods and Goddesses appearing to them in dreams, meditation, and, after long hours of despair.  Money miracles and prosperity increases have also been shared with me.  One doesn’t meditate who has never felt bliss.  Most do not even know that bliss exists, or, that bliss may be accessed through meditation.

               For those seeking prosperity and miracles it is important to first clear your karma so that manifestation may take place.  When working with prosperity and miracle mantras, practice during the time that will be most effective.  Learn the Time Shaktis.        

        In this regard, one should always be engaged in the correct mantra for the moment. Take an hour out of every day to exclusively meditate.  This meditation should be done at an hour auspicious for it.  The best hours are Chandraya’s and Guruve’s hours or any hour between 3AM and 6AM provided that the mantra used corresponds to the ruling deity of the moment.  This may sound difficult, but it is not, a little effort will allow you to memorize the cycle of the time shaktis, and, going to will provide you with the phases of the moon, and the daily stars for your city.

          Learning the Time Shaktis along with karma removal activities are the most beneficial things you can do to have daily successful meditations, filled with peace, light and bliss, and power to change undesirable material circumstances.  For those who are waiting for a yet unattained result, the time spent not in meditation is more relevant to consider than the time spent in meditation.

          Enlightenment is constant meditation.  Constant meditation is Love Supreme.  Knowing the Time Shaktis fuels one’s meditation so that it may continue constantly because it is continually being empowered by the energy of the moment.

           Do not forget that  immediate help is available in the sound of the Holy Name of Shiva, ”Om Shivaya Namaha.”


                   Bhava jim

Thursday, July 18, 2013


  Intensive workshops are offered wherein the meditations are practiced, the path is solidified, simple rituals are shared,  and, empowering transmissions are given. A copy of THE GOLDEN FLUTE is included in the fee.

  THE SIX DAYS OF SKANDA are approaching.  At this time connection with the Holy Vel is suggested.  Muruga's weapon, the Vel is many things.  Mind-born by the Divine Mother, Parvati, Vel is the daughter of Shiva and Parvati, sibling of Ganesha, and, Karttikeya.

    Yogis and siddhis from time immemorial have taught this ancient path to enlightenment.  The Great God Shiva the King of the Yogis is its source.  It is Yoga.  The eternally young Babaji the Christ of the East, and, Jesus Christ the savior of the current epoch are among the Divine Ones in this lineage.  Access to the to the Holy Ones of the Highest Hierarchy is opened once enlightenment is attained,

     Enlightenment is most easily gained by invoking the archetypes that exist in the eternal and Universal Mind. The Universal Mind upholds the manifest universe. Our own subconscious mind has access to the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind is revealed in our awakened subconscious mind.  In our experience the Universal Mind and our awakened subconscious mind are one and the same.

     The Supreme has become the Archetypes which are known as the Gods and Goddesses, Angels and Powers, that have existed in ancient scriptures and myths of humanity from time immemorial.  The Archetypes remain in humanity's collective subconscious mind and the Universal Divine Mind.  The keys that unlock the universal consciousness similarly unlock limited consciousness.  The keys are letters, syllables, words, and sentences.

     The archetypes are aspects of the universal consciousness whom are released from the darkness of the subconscious by combinations of letters, syllables, words, and sentences. Invocation of the archetypes comes by the correct combination of letters, syllables, words, and sentences, or "mantras."  The mantras must be used at the correct time and with the correct technique.  By invoking the archetypes that live in the eternal and universal mind, enlightenment in one's innermost consciousness, and, external manifestations in the material world occur.

      In our physical universe we are located in the Milky Way Galaxy and more particularly, our Solar System.  Our connection to the All or to the universe must start here,  The sun and moon are not only celestial bodies, they are conscious personalities.  The sun and the moon are the two most important powers, gods or archetypes in relation to our planet earth.  The sun and moon regulate time on earth.  The primary energy and matter of all the planets of our solar system came from the sun.  The moon is matter and energy in  the earth orbit which solidified as a satellite of the earth.

   The nine planets of vedic astrology are aspects of the Divine Mind.  The planets have deities that rule over them.  The planets and their overlords offer significant help to us through their vibrations when properly invoked by their mantras at the times of their rule.   The Divine Mind changes its vibration or energies from moment to moment.  This is called the Time Shaktis.

    Mantras are used to stimulate the energy centers or chakras of the subtle body,  The Grace of the Supreme can be invoked from below at the chakra to the planet and through the planet to its overlord. This is the proper principle of hierarchy.  When the chakras are awake and active the fire from the core of the earth and the light from the center of the universe meet in the crown center and  Enlightenment dawns.

 The great yogis and siddhis of the hoary past mapped the celestial bodies without the aid of modern technology.   Thousands of years before western empirical civilization accepted that the earth revolved around the sun it was documented in the scriptures or shastras of the yogis.  Vedic astrology charts the Divine Mind.  Vibrations change first in the Universal Mind,  then the celestial bodies follow.

      The ancient path to enlightenment takes into consideration the time shaktis which are the energies of the moment or the "color" of the Divine mind, the ruling planet, its overlord, and, the chakras in the subtle body to be stimulated,  By working with the correct mantra with the correct technique at the proper time, the spiritual practice is energized with immediate results.  Experience is only be limited by capacity. Increase the capacity to take in the earth's fire and universal light daily.

     The mantras must be a meditation. not a mechanical repetition.  Yoga is scientific.  The results can be duplicated.  The same process yields same results for experimenters. Sacred sounds yield divine consciousness.    I am offering intensive workshops wherein the meditations are practiced, the path is solidified, simple rituals are shared,  and, empowering transmissions are given. A copy of THE GOLDEN FLUTE is included in the fee.   I am also offering meditation and spiritual guidance via telephone or Skype.

    Personal meetings or telephone/video contact is most conducive to sharing mantra.  The correct pronunciation of the mantra and other instructions as to its practice are most effectively transferred in this manner.   

     For those not in San Diego, Skype sessions are available. To purchase in person workshop tickets, or Skype sessions, use Pay Pal button:

  Meditation Instruction available with purchase of THE GOLDEN FLUTE at Friends, Benefactors, and, Partners participation levels:

By Bhava Jim



        This is a guide to enlightenment. It reveals techniques that have been taught from time immemorial to connect one to the primal life energy that enlivens the earth, plants, animals, man, and the universe.  The universe is alive and conscious.  The planets themselves are but the shadow of the great beings, which influence our lives and organize time through their orbits around the sun.
        It is an introduction to the Ancient Path of Enlightenment, the path that utilizes mantra to invoke the ancient archetypes that exist in the collective unconscious from time immemorial.  It is an experiential path.  It contains the proper practice of potent sound meditations or mantra meditations and the time they are to be practiced to the day and hour.  By using the correct mantra at the correct time the energy of the cosmic Gods are properly invoked.  They thus reveal themselves in the consciousness of the meditater as shining beings.  
       The word “Deva” is the word often translated as a Hindu God.  Its literal translation is “shining being.” In my experience the Devas are the Inner Light.  As meditation is entered first comes formless light, then the light takes form, divine human form.  
       Jesus has said that we are the Light.  Again, that we are one with Him, who in turn is one with the Father.  God is Light.  The experience of light in meditation is what I deem to be enlightenment.  With the light comes a great peace, love, and bliss.
        One must come to one’s own understanding regarding the nature of God. My understanding which is suggested in this book is that God, which in the tradition of my Guru Sri Chinmoy, I call “the Supreme,” is One, who became two, male and female, and then became the many.
         Therefore, I suggest that the Supreme is one absolute formless consciousness which has taken on the role of male and female to know itself, then became the myriad Gods and Goddesses, powers, planets, and souls. In this view the Supreme became all of us, and, there should be no sense of separateness from the Supreme and us.    
         It is only the deluding power of maya, the isolating power of ego, and, the limiting power of karma which prevents one from realizing one’s true nature as the Supreme playing a human role.  It is but the Lila or play of the Supreme being acted out for the entertainment of all.  
         While the Lila may be designated as a dream, it is a real dream, as the Supreme come as our souls has made it real, and, thus making our actions significant as our consciences confirm them to be.  
        The journey up along the path of enlightenment is part of the Lila.  It is the plot of the play.  It is the goal of all of our lives and we will all reach it, no matter how many lives it takes us.  The Supreme is thrilled when we reach the Goal, as it is in fact the Supreme coming to know Himself, which is the purpose of creation.

 Meditation Instruction available with purchase of THE GOLDEN FLUTE at Friends, Benefactors, and, Partners participation levels:
  Well-wishers may purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for only $ 11.92 securely via PAY PAL with the Buy Now button at the margin. Those that participate as Friends, Benefactors, and Partners receive personal meditation empowerment and instruction.

   Friends who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 49.90 are eligible to a 30 minute meditation session in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email and are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for one week.  

   Benefactors who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 108.00 are eligible to a 60 minute meditation session in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email, are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for three weeks, and, receive planetary remedies for the planets that are currently the major influence over their lives.  

   Partners who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 1,008.00 are eligible to twelve monthly 60 minute meditation sessions in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email, are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for nine weeks, and, receive planetary remedies for the planets that are currently the major influence over their lives. 


Monday, June 10, 2013


   Most Christian denominations err by stopping at Salvation. Beyond Salvation is Transformation and Glorification. One must not stop at Faith. Faith leads to Experience. Experience leads to Daily Practice. Daily Practice ends in Enlightenment. While it is almost impossible to distinguish between Religious practices and Spiritual practices, the Supreme who sees the heart knows and blesses. A repeated practice of turning one's attention within weakens desires so that one may repose inwardly. Enlightenment does not come from philosophy or religion, but from an Avatar or one in the Avatar's lineage in an unbroken chain. If one is Enlightened, then one may guide another in meditation, if one is not Enlightened, then it is the blind leading the blind. The Savior of the Kali Yuga advocated taking up one's cross, and following Him to death of the Ego so that one may be born anew as Divine. Jesus was the Second Person of the Supreme Deity- the Holy Trinity, the Father Son, and Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, yet, Jesus lived a life of Love, Devotion, and Surrender until death. Who is greater than Him? There are many self-proclaimed teachers that spread feel good "ego-fluff" with no discernible disciplined devotional practices. Practices and teachers that support one's ego bypassing Love, Devotion, and, Surrender to the Supreme but teach the "I AM THAT" realization hurt not help. The great Avatar Sri Ramakrishna did not dare use the formula, "I AM THAT," saying that as long as an ego remains, make the rascal a devotee. Before one may completely identify with one's Highest Self, one must accept a subordinate role through Love, Devotion, and, Surrender to the Supreme. When Uma asked for Enlightenment, Shiva told Her that in the Age of Kali, only devotion would help a man attain liberation,- Brahma Sutra You too can become Enlightened. Practice meditation upon the Supreme. Love all sentient beings. With the Special Grace of the Easter Season and the exalted Sun having past, one must use determination in one's daily practices to progress. Renew your aspiration and begin with new, easier spiritual practices that yield deeper experiences, higher realizations, and faster progress. Meditation's goal is Enlightenment. Meditation is the easiest and at the same time the hardest mental practice. Practice makes it easy. Set aside a hour for meditation. During that hour, only do practice. Day by day meditation will deepen. When a particular time is set aside, and distracting thoughts begin to arise, tell the mind, "Stop! Now is the time for meditation." The mind will take training in this way. Consider time when trying to meditate. Setting a regular time reserved for practice early in the morning and just upon awakening will yield the best results. As soon as one awakens, using Ganesha mantras will cause random thoughts to leave. The mind must be silenced so that it may be illumined by the light of the Soul which is received by the Heart. The proper practice of mantra meditation trains the mind to become quiet, quieter, and most quiet. Take help from time and place when quieting the mind. Locations have different vibrations; some are blessed, some are not. The space where meditation is to be practiced should be sanctified. Do not use that space for any other activity. If one tries to meditate where one usually watches television or where one eats, then the mind will be hankering for entertainment or taste sensation. If possible, dedicate a room for meditation. If not, then at least a corner of a room. One should place inspiring items in one's meditation space. Flowers, incense, a photo of one's guru or another realized soul, a saint, an inspired artwork depicting Jesus, Krishna, or, a Buddha head will help. The space should have items and artwork which call to mind the Divine that one may readily identify with. Energized Yantras may bring amazing results. If spiritual practice does not consistently yield to profound experiences, one may become discouraged. For consistently fruitful meditation, one should practice the mantra for the moment and be in harmony with the Time Shaktis. Without knowing of and working in accordance with the Time Shaktis, faith may diminish as disappointment arises and one may discontinue one's practice. Practice the suggested mantras provided through the Time Shakti Audio File program until Peace, Light, and Bliss are experienced. By working with the correct mantra with the correct technique at the proper time, one's spiritual practice is energized with the current vibration and immediate results are realized. The Time Shakti program is designed to teach the participants the Time Shaktis over a short period of time so one may benefit from this occult knowledge throughout all aspects of one's life. The daily practice awakens one's Kundalini and subdues the ego. Meditation cannot fail when practiced at the proper time set aside, at an inspiring place, according to the direction of a realized master. You too can become enlightened. Practice Love and Meditate. Take help from the archetypes. Incorporate the practice of offering Love, Devotion and, Surrender in your meditation. Always offer Gratitude upon closing the meditation. When Love, Devotion, Surrender, and Gratitude are appended to a mantra, the Deity's benevolent gaze is affixed upon the aspirant. Practice. I want everyone to become enlightened. I "jump start" some by meditating with them. They are thus encouraged in their daily practice. I meet with those who wish to practice meditation at various power spots that I have identified in San Diego, or at my resort-like home. Light transmissions which abide in the aura until accessed during meditation practice are also offered. The most ancient of traditions, the Tamil Siddhi, is that which I have been inspired by and attempt to teach to aspirants. Rooted in the Satya Yuga with Shiva as its source, it survived the deluges of the prior ages of Atlantis and Lemuria. It's influence has spread throughout the earth and is the source of the Vedic Culture, Taoism, astrology, the Greco-Roman Gods, and, alchemy. The Supreme, out of Compassion has manifested in innumerable forms on infinite planes. One should take help from the prominent forms that have manifested in this Solar System. The Time Shaktis take into account which form of the Supreme is prevalent at a particular time according to one's location on the planet. I use THE GOLDEN FLUTE as a textbook with varying participation levels of purchase with increasing benefits at the three offered levels. Friends enjoy email instruction, Benefactors an initial meditation personally or telephonically, Partners, 12 months of meditation practice (The Time Shakti Program is also included as well as planetary remedies for the planets of greatest influence for the friends, benefactors and partner levels). Many can remain in an aspiring attitude and enjoy a modicum of daily spiritual experience. Few can command the trance state or Samadhi. An adept mediator calls up the experience at will. Yoga is a science of consciousness which describes various states or Samadhis. Have you never heard of Kundalini? Samadhi? Read Autobiography of a Yogi by Pamahansa Yogananda. Sri Yogananda was such a great master, that when one would like to take his photo, he'd say wait until I'm in Samadhi, Seconds later he's say, "OK." When the yogi in Samadhi quiets his breath, the ordinary human breath stops, and the Holy Breath or Holy Spirit (breath/spirit-pneuma (Gk.)) begins. Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini yoga teaching was that the Kundalini would rise merely by breathing from the Muladhara or below the navel. Sri Siddhinath Yogiraj clapped his hands and thus enabled everyone in the room the art of breathing from below the navel. Sri Yogiraj encourages practice, practice, and practice, whether or not one is receiving experiences. He says, "Experiences are not the goal, Realization is." However, if spiritual practice inconsistently gives profound experiences, then discouragement arises. To have consistent experiences of Peace, Light, and Bliss, one may try practicing the mantra for the moment. The Time Shaktis show the mantra meditation to practice. Without knowing the Time Shaktis, faith may diminish as one's practice may not consistently allow one to enter Samadhi, The experiences described by those on large doses of LSD or DMT are very similar to what is experienced in Samadhi (deep meditation). If you are able to deeply meditate and enter Samadhi (without drugs) the Truth is evident. In some types of Samadhi the Heavenly Vision remains eyes open or closed, it does not matter. In Samadhi the Heart alternately expands to the Infinite Vast and contracts to the Infinite Small and finds the Supreme at both extremes. While Samadhi is called yogic sleep it is the true awakening. Even in Samadhi there are different levels, deep, deeper, and, deepest, high, higher, and, highest, One who goes into the highest does not return. The Yogi at the end of his journey enters Maha-Samadhi and never returns. The ego no longer remains. The yogi chooses the time of death and walks away from the body at will. This experience is much different from an ordinary death wherein the soul is painfully wrenched from the body. Few can command the trance state or Samadhi. It requires sincere daily practice. It is the Pearl of Great Price. Sell all to purchase it. By living fully in the world, it has become unbearably apparent that most have no idea what yoga meditation or Samadhi is. The fact that Samadhi is a foreign thing emphasizes the darkness of the Kali Yuga. Tantriks and Bhaktis go to the Highest Absolute, then take one step down to enjoy the Divine Romance. Contrary to the predominant western view, Tantra primarily is the timely mantra correctly recited resulting in Samadhi or trance, not exotic sexual acts. I began posting my initial personal experiences of Bhava-Samadhi. Enlightenment and Meditation: SYMPTOMS OF ENLIGHTENMENT.

SRI CHINMOY demonstrates Samadhi

SRI YOGIRAJ shares Samadhi

SADHGURU - Drop Your Philosophies


number of weeks

Thursday, May 23, 2013


    Thousands of years before Copernicus and Galileo, the yogis of ancient India wrote about the solar system.  They intuitively knew that the planets revolved around the sun.  The sages of the east are still more advanced than the empirical west because they recognize that the planets are great beings and not only celestial bodies. These great beings exert their influence on the living beings on earth.

     One such Great Being is Guruve, whose celestial form is the planet Jupiter.  Guruve is the teacher, the guru.  He is responsible for your spiritual progress.  He brings the human guru into your life.  He is also called Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Gods.  The teacher of devotional prayers.

      The guru / disciple relationship is a mystical one.  It is said that the Guru calls and the disciple responds.  Jesus in the first chapter of the Gospel of John gathered all of His twelve disciples to him seemingly in the course of one day.  Jesus just told them one by one  or two at a time "follow me"  and they followed.  Nathanael however was called by Phillip.  Phillip told Nathanael come and see, we have found him, Jesus of Nazareth!"  Nathanial wasn't convinced, he replied, "can anything good come out of Nazareth?"  Philip said to him, “Come and see.”

     Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael answered Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these.  Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

     This passage shows that it is the Guru who calls to the disciple to follow and the disciple is thrilled to do so because the disciple was searching for the Guru,   Sometimes a disciple is called to the Guru by another disciple as Nathanael was.  Jesus demonstrated that He knew Nathanael by having seen him while he was sitting under the fig tree.  Nathanael's reaction indicates that this was a miraculous seeing on Jesus's part.  When he was sitting under the fig tree or what he was doing there only he and Jesus know.

   Jesus promised Nathanael that he would see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.  The Guru gives heavenly vision by the opening of the mind's eye, the clearing of the blockages that prevent the Mother Power from ascending, and, the clearing of the negative energy that prevents the divine mind from descending into the disciple's subtle body.  The subtle body has ascending and descending energies.  The ascending energy starts at the base center of the spine which is connected to the fire at the core of the earth.  The descending energy comes down from the crown center which is connected to the center of the universe.

        In John chapter 3, verses 1-7 Jesus teaches a Pharisee that one must be born of water and the spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven.   Being born of water is the physical birth, being born of the spirit is the second spiritual birth- the energization of the subtle body. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit. In Luke 17:20-21 Jesus says again to other Pharisees that the Kingdom of God is within you. As Jesus has since ascended into heaven we have to get this blessing from a bona fide representative of Him. The Christian tradition of  "the laying on of  hands" is not just an empty ritual but a transmission of energy from Jesus and his original disciples who became the Apostles of His Church through an unbroken chain of a lineage of saints (those souls separated unto God) to the one who performs the laying on of  hands to the receiving individual who then becomes "born again."  

        In India  the term "twice born" is used to designate the brahmans, the cast of kings and priests. The sacred thread is given to the twice born.  The guru energizes the disciple's subtle body to give spiritual birth and entrance into the kingdom of heaven within the disciple's consciousness.  The lineage of the guru should be traceable to an Avatar- an incarnation of God, in an unbroken chain.

          I am aware of a few masters who have made themselves available to westerners that are qualified to perform the sacred duties of a bona fide representative of God whose lineage connects them to an Avatar or who are themselves incarnations of an aspect of the Divine.  I have been extremely fortunate to have the blessings of three such holy ones.  I have also been blessed by two who have left their physical bodies within the last century yet continue to serve aspiring humanity in their subtle bodies.  I have been greeted by them in their ashrams just as if they were still in their physical bodies.  I plan to release details of my astounding experiences upon the publication of my first book, The Golden Flute, of which this blog is a but a preview.

complete article published in e-book:

 Meditation Instruction available with purchase of THE GOLDEN FLUTE at Friends, Benefactors, and, Partners participation levels:

 Well-wishers may purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for only $ 11.92 securely via PAY PAL with the Buy Now button at the margin. Those that participate as Friends, Benefactors, and Partners receive personal meditation empowerment and instruction.

   Friends who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 49.90 are eligible to a 30 minute meditation session in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email and are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for one week.  

   Benefactors who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 108.00 are eligible to a 60 minute meditation session in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email, are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for three weeks, and, receive planetary remedies for the planets that are currently the major influence over their lives.  

   Partners who purchase THE GOLDEN FLUTE for $ 1,008.00 are eligible to twelve monthly 60 minute meditation sessions in person or via Skype, correspond with Bhavajim via email, are enrolled in the daily Time Shakti Audio File program for nine weeks, and, receive planetary remedies for the planets that are currently the major influence over their lives. 
